2014 Syn Census: Top 50 Strongest

On New Years Eve; the underground frantically noted year end level and XP for over 200 citizens. Then we rank by level and use XP as tie breaker. We proudly present the Top 50 Strongest for 2014.

Rank Name Level Gang


top50_black Black Demon Venom 29 Vipers


f_syn_mofo_2 Mofo 28  SCPD


top50_samara Samara Sangria  28 Vipers


top50_maya Maya 26  Vipers


f_syn_dina Dina Ormidale 26  SCPD


fsyn_fiona2 Fiona  26  SCPD


top50_crisis Crisis  26  Sinners


top50_suka Suka  25  Vipers


f_syn_lamont Lamont Enyo  24 Omerta


f_syn_whacked Whacked Destiny  24 None
top50_distansa Distansa  24  SCPD
top50_dwight Dwight  24  SCPD
f_syn_jon2 Joniel Flux 23 Omerta
top50_sammy Miss Sammy  23  Sinners
f_syn_shawn Shawn Regan  22 Diabolus Aquilae
logo-syn-city Caim  22 SCPD
top50_amber Amber Venom  22  Vipers
top50_craig Craig Ormidale 22  Diabolus Aquilae
logo-syn-city Athena  22  None
top50_faye Faye Nymphea  22  SCPD
f_syn_halo Halo Evermore 21 Vipers
top50_diamond  Diamond  21  Sinners
f_syn_fyng2  Fyng Skizm 21  SCPD
logo-syn-city Jaxon Porthos  21  SCPD
fsyn_minx2 Minx 21 Sinners
top50_jj JJ  21 Omerta
logo-syn-city Crissy Forster  20  None
f_syn_death Deathritual Twine  20  Vipers
top50_buddy Buddy Horngold 20  Vipers
top50_mass Mass Parkin 20  None
logo-syn-city Midnight Angel 20  None
f_syn_tyr2 Tyr Ulysses  20 Sinners
f_syn_izzy Izzy  20 Diabolus Aquilae
top50_anna Annabelle  19  Sinners
f_syn_amy Amy  19  Omerta
logo-syn-city Raven 19  SCPD
f_syn_dan Dan  19  None
top50_fredo youngstunner  19  None
top50_oldperv Old Prev  19  Vipers
logo-syn-city Adam Blaukempt 19  None
logo-syn-city DamagedAngel  19  Vipers
f_syn_smokey Smokey Morales  18  None
top50_weyman Weyman  18 None
top50_spencer Spencer  18 Diabolus Aquilae
top50_azreal Azreal  18  Vipers
top50_fail Fail Fatality 18  None
f_syn_paige Paige 18  Omerta
f_syn_caren Caren 18  Omerta
logo-syn-city  Lee Steel 18  None
f_syn_gussy Gussy 18  None


Our Top 50 Strongest analysis continues. The pie chart below represents how big piece each gang has in the Top 50 Strongest list.




Next; the underground wanted to see if there is correlation between number of members and total levels of those members per gang. The chart below confirms; yes.



We have decided to share data we used for the 2014 Enforceable Limits Census article. Table below is useful to quickly find someone for cap you want to do. Bare in mind data is from late 2014. We’re not going update this post. Limits may have changed; always check limits before cap.

Death Permanent Effects Rape Homosexual Theme RP Heterosexual Theme RP Nudity Body Fluids Pics
Ace small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Aislin small_x_red small_x_red
Alexandria small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Amber small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Amy small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Anna small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Azanica small_x_red
Bambi small_x_red small_x_red
Black small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Blake small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Bruce small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Buddy small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Caim small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Caren small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Celestia small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Death Permanent Effects Rape Homosexual Theme RP Heterosexual Theme RP Nudity Body Fluids Pics
Chey small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Chronos small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Craig small_x_red small_x_red
Crisis small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Crissy small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Damon small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Dan small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Death small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Diamond small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Dina small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Dolly small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Dwight small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Eddy small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Estaryia small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Death Permanent Effects Rape Homosexual Theme RP Heterosexual Theme RP Nudity Body Fluids Pics
Fail small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Falcon small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Fiona small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Fredo small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Fyng small_x_red small_x_red
Gussy small_x_red small_x_red
Halo small_x_red small_x_red
Harley small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Hosker small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Hyst small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Ilexxa small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Izzy small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Jaxon small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Jay Jay small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Jessica small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Jett small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Death Permanent Effects Rape Homosexual Theme RP Heterosexual Theme RP Nudity Body Fluids Pics
Jon small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
KeeKee small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Keith small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Kelly small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Keysha small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Khaleesi small_x_red small_x_red
Kyra small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Lamont small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Lauren small_x_red small_x_red
Lilly small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Lola small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Lynsey small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Machete small_x_red
Maya small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Michael (desertmikey) small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Death Permanent Effects Rape Homosexual Theme RP Heterosexual Theme RP Nudity Body Fluids Pics
Michael (fairplay) small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Mike (M1ke2) small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Minx small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Mofo small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Moses small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Nonny small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Nozumi small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Paige small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Panther small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Precious small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Rani small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Reshaa small_x_red small_x_red
Rich small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Samara small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Death Permanent Effects Rape Homosexual Theme RP Heterosexual Theme RP Nudity Body Fluids Pics
Sammy small_x_red small_x_red
Samuel (J Parker)
Samuel (Ulysses) small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Sariel small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Sassy small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Savea small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Scarlett small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Sea small_x_red
Shawn small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Shink small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Sophie small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Spencer small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Spooks small_x_red
Sun Eyed Girl small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Death Permanent Effects Rape Homosexual Theme RP Heterosexual Theme RP Nudity Body Fluids Pics
Sweet small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Terry small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Tink small_x_red small_x_red
Tyr small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Vanesa small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Vincenzo small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red
Whacked small_x_red
Zeke small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red small_x_red

2014 Syn Census: Enforceable Limits

The underground reviewed leaps of 2014 civilian data, we analyzed and organized it into useable form for year end review. We call this form; Syn Census 2014. What findings will the 2014 Syn Census reveal?

In this edition of Syn Census 2014; we are reviewing enforceable limits; only limits mods will enforce. We looked at limits data gathered from over 100 interviews with most active civilians in 2014. These limits are No permanent death, No permanent effects, No rape, No homosexual RP, No heterosexual RP, No nudity, I escape after 10 minutes without RP, No body fluids and No pictures without consent.

The Census bureau decided the ‘escape after 10 minutes without RP’ should not be considered limit; many in addition have ‘my limits mirror yours’ listed. Both are suggesting respect; thus not limits since they each can’t be roleplayed. The Census bureau will not look at those.

Now we turn to the data. For each enforceable limit; we look at how many are okay and how many are not okay. Then we look at gender sex ratio to learn what sex is most uncomfortable with limit. Note most of our interviewees were female; we interviewed 49 males and 57 females. The Census bureau consider slightly higher female gender ratio to be even.



Permanent Effects




Homosexual Roleplay


Heterosexual Roleplay




Body Fluids





Gang Over


We saw 2 gangs drop few weeks into 2015. The first; Omerta Syndicate came as shock. The second; Diabolous Aquilae; not so much. What impact losing two gangs have on Syn? What legacy these gangs have left us? What have they taught us? The underground here with review.

Omerta Syndicate and Diabolus Aquilae will be remembered as rivals; younger versions of Vipers and Sinners. Omerta was started by former members of DA; similar to Vipers started by former members of Sinners. DA is the underdog primarily dominated by Omerta; similar to underdog Sinners primarily dominated by Vipers.


JJ of Omerta remind us of a young Black; because he steps out to collect kills and often criticized. In the underground; we have referred to JJ as Black Jr. Diabolus Aquilae boss. Izzy reminded us of Precious when she used to run Sinners; because losing made her inactive; the gang figured out how to run themselves. The underground believed Izzy would be removed from DA; same way Precious was from Sinners.

Didn’t pan out as expected because both bosses under Izzy; Hyst and Spencer quit after losing key members. Admins then put end to DA as gang. DA members have suffered long enough. What about Omerta? Omerta was different; Omerta was always stronger then DA. Omerta grew strong enough to attack Vipers and rival Sinners. If Omerta was success; why end? We believe post alliances Omerta was in awkward place. Compared to DA; Omerta was overpowered. Above was Sinners; Omerta become very friendly to. The underground believe if Omerta continued; they would become bored and lose members. They were due for setback.

Writing this article hurts; we had special connection with Diabolus Aquilae. Our paths similar. We formed with goal finding way to compare gangs; fairly. Point out imbalance and help weaker gangs. Task sound simple; but is not. We spent over year finding formula. Our ‘Were Alliances Necessary?’ article; publishing ultimate algorithm data caused great inner turmoil in the underground. Underground tearing made issue was urgent. We ended monthly growth ranks, Fantasy Syn and delayed work on Census special to fix faster. We went back to original work; our bread and butter; the ultimate algorithm. Rounds of adjustments and each backtested with 2014 data; until we got it; visualization of trial and tribulations through periods of time. We see ups and downs of every gang; like stock market; reasons for ups downs for us to give.


Above is chart for DA and Omerta. Events we recalled were added to chart. When we did; there is correlation. Chart gives us good idea of Omerta dominance over DA. Since beginning Omerta was stronger and continued growing strength. DA was inconsistent; DA couldn’t break out of slump.

What can future gangs learn from DA and Omerta? First; who the bosses are is vital to gang morale. In last quarter of chart; when Caren and Izzy disappeared; their gang becomes strained and lose hope; some left. If one boss is inactive; critical to have another who is active. Paige and Jay were active through Omerta run; activity of DA bosses juggled. DA never had one steady active boss. Vipers had Amber consistently active and Sinners have Diamond. Each gang need at least one boss always there. A gang can have up to 3 bosses. When new boss spot open; other bosses should focus on their weakness and cover; only if they have candidate. If bosses can’t be active everyday; add someone who is. If bosses not good at fighting; give strong fighter boss role. If bosses don’t roleplay or do business; give best roleplayer boss role. If bosses too serious; get someone fun and charismatic. Think of Yin and Yang.

Back to chart; we see how much DA morale drop after Sweet left. The underground believed Sweet should have become boss; she covered weaknesses of her bosses. Sweet very active, roleplayed and did plenty business roleplay. There many stories about drama between Sweet and DA; details don’t matter; what matters is bosses of DA failed to get it done. When you have star in gang; covering weaknesses of bosses; you have to get it done. A gang can have up to 3 bosses; DA had 3 similar bosses. Who gang make boss very important decision; because very complicated to reverse. When star leaves; others leave too. Stars are not threats; stars are gifts. Who a boss promotes is difficult; it will bring some closer and pull others farther apart. A great boss will make tough, wise and unpopular decisions.


Key missing piece for DA was a “Guardian Figure”. Think of guardian figure as a mother bird; it minds own business; it doesn’t look for trouble; when you attack it’s young; its going to come after you. In gang; the guardian figure is a strong, honorable, active member who doesn’t appear to seek fights; but the member enemies fear most after backup is called. This fear of the guardian figure; deters predators. All successful gangs have guardian figure. The guardian figure in Vipers was Amber Venom; the guardian figure in Sinners is Miss Sammy. Can you guess who was the guardian figure in Omerta? It was Lamont Enyo. Gaining Lamont was crucial to Omerta’s success; he took combat lead in fights and rallied new friends to victory. Lamont is responsible for building Omerta’s HQ; winner of Best HQ 2014. DA wasn’t as lucky; they did have potentials. Their best guardian figure was Three (Johny); he was also former Viper. Not like Lamont; Three lacked focus and made Sinners enemy of DA; skipping past Omerta to next enemy is bad idea. Three caused irreversible damage; a active boss could have stopped; in end DA lost Three and direction. Another potential guardian was Craig; if he was active.

At time of writing Amber left Vipers. This is rare opportunity for weaker gang to gain quality guardian figure. It is rare because guardian figures are very loyal and they will stay in gang for long time. Newer gangs must pursue Amber aggressively and get it done; it is the difference between building for months or fighting tomorrow. Other option is to grow guardian figure in gang; DA didn’t have success in department; their members weren’t passionate about combat; their abilities pitful. Passionate fighter to take on role is must.

Did Diabolus Aquilae do anything right? Yes; it was business. They did alot of it with Sweet and they continued post Sweet with Blair and Resha. Stronger gangs keep their people inside worried another strong gang will jump them. Not DA; their members were fearless. Business helped DA recruit because new people visit and want to role-play. Other places are dead; DA places were open good portions of day. DA as gang swept the business related awards this year.

Diabolus Aquilae and Omerta Syndicate gone; their members carry legacies of deceased gangs. Undergound will end looking at where member of Diabolus Aquilae and Omerta Syndicate have gone. What memories and legacies Diabolus Aquilae and Omerta Syndicate left on you? What have they taught Syn?

Name Level Affiliation Where are they now
f_syn_ace Ace Enyo  15 Omerta Syndicate Works at Hoes 4 Less as pimp
f_syn_amy Amy  20 Omerta Syndicate Works at Hoes 4 Less as hoe
hs_blair Blair 12 Diabolus Aquilae Joined Mala Noche
hs_carly Carly  14 Diabolus Aquilae Status unknown
top50_craig Craig Ormidale 23 Diabolus Aquilae Joined Mala Noche
f_syn_hyst Hyst  14 Diabolus Aquilae Continues fight for newer gangs; joined La Vendetta
f_syn_izzy Izzy  20 Diabolus Aquilae Whereabouts unknown
top50_jj Jay  21 Omerta Syndicate Works as Sinner pimp
f_syn_jett Jett  12 Omerta Syndicate Followed no colleagues; joined La Vendetta
logo-syn-city Joe  8 Diabolus Aquilae Works for Vipers
f_syn_jon2 Jon  24 Omerta Syndicate Became firefighter
hs_khal Khalesi  12 Omerta Syndicate Joined Sinners
hs_kiers Kiers  9 Diabolus Aquilae Joined Mala Noche
f_syn_lamont Lamont Enyo  24 Omerta Syndicate Leaves life of crime; joins SCPD
f_syn_lola Lola  16 Omerta Syndicate Left Syn; returned week later to join Sinners
hs_mikey Mikey  15 Diabolus Aquilae Reunited with old colleague Sweet in Sinners
f_syn_nozumi Nozumi 16 Diabolus Aquilae Joined SCPD
f_syn_paige Paige  18 Omerta Syndicate Seen hanging out with Nonny and Sinners on separate occasions; next move unknown
logo-syn-city Rain  9 Diabolus Aquilae Joined Vipers
logo-syn-city Reshaa  9 Diabolus Aquilae Joined Vipers
f_syn_scarlet Scarlett  17 Omerta Syndicate Joined Sinners
f_syn_shawn Shawn 23 Diabolus Aquilae Joined Mala Noche
top50_spencer Spencer  19 Diabolus Aquilae Joined Vipers
logo-syn-city Vanesa Summer  8 Diabolus Aquilae Joined Mala Noche

2014 Syn Census: Top 10 Strongest Newcomers

Better late then never; were in 2nd month of 2015 and the underground is ready to close the book on 2014. The underground reviewed leaps of 2014 civilian data, we analyzed and organized it into useable form for year end review special. We call this form; Syn Census 2014. What findings will the 2014 Syn Census reveal?

In this edition of Syn City Census we are honoring the best newcomers. These newcomers faced greater challenges then newcomers in previous years. Every year more become veterans and older ones get stronger; meaning every year is more challenging for new citizens. Most won’t survive streets of Syn; select few find way.

Below are Syn’s strongest crop of newcomers. All started in 2014 at level 1; some have obtained high leadership roles in their gangs. Rankings and affiliation based on 12/31/2014.

Top 10 Newcomers 2014

Rank Name Level Affiliation
1. f_syn_nonny Nonny 18 Vipers
2. f_syn_alexandria Alexandria 17 La Vendetta
3. f_syn_scarlet Scarlett 16 Omerta
4. f_syn_slash Slash 15 Sinners
5. f_syn_lola Lola 15 Omerta
6. logo-syn-city Mikey 14 Diabolus Aquilae
7. hs_keith_valentine Keith 14 Sinners
8. f_syn_sweet Sweet 14 Sinners
9. f_syn_kay Kay 14 Vipers
10. f_syn_ace Ace 14 Omerta

Top 10 Killers January 2015

Rank Name # of Kills
1. top50_diamond Diamond 73

The strongest cop Mofo; couldn’t stop Diamond and her killing spree in January.

2. top50_crisis Crisis 42
3. f_syn_death Death 40
4. top50_jj JJ 38
5. hs_moses Moses 37
6. top50_sammy Sammy 36
7. hs_sariel Sariel 28
8. top50_amber Amber 27
9. f_syn_samara Samara 21
10. f_syn_sweet Sweet 21

Notes: Very violent start to 2015; over 350 kills shared by this record breaking top 10. Each deserve praise for spectacular numbers. At top is Diamond; was fearless taking on every gang fight, one on one challenge, merc challenge and war day event she could. 30 kills behind her was her boss Crisis; who was in tight competition for the #2 spot with Death and JJ. That guy. You know what guy. Yeah that guy made his return after great war day showing. Other Deadly Diva; Miss Sammy leads bottom half with half the kills of her counterpart. Sar again finds himself behind ‘dat ass’ for 2nd month in row. The fiery Amber rises back as top killer after few months missing from list. The Queen had a strong second half to barely make it. Biggest surprise is Doctor Sweet; did she kill more then she saved? Jan was so close; we will do honorable mentions; Fyng, Khal, Shink, Jon and Damon fell kill short.