2014 Syn Census: Top 10 Strongest Newcomers

Better late then never; were in 2nd month of 2015 and the underground is ready to close the book on 2014. The underground reviewed leaps of 2014 civilian data, we analyzed and organized it into useable form for year end review special. We call this form; Syn Census 2014. What findings will the 2014 Syn Census reveal?

In this edition of Syn City Census we are honoring the best newcomers. These newcomers faced greater challenges then newcomers in previous years. Every year more become veterans and older ones get stronger; meaning every year is more challenging for new citizens. Most won’t survive streets of Syn; select few find way.

Below are Syn’s strongest crop of newcomers. All started in 2014 at level 1; some have obtained high leadership roles in their gangs. Rankings and affiliation based on 12/31/2014.

Top 10 Newcomers 2014

Rank Name Level Affiliation
1. f_syn_nonny Nonny 18 Vipers
2. f_syn_alexandria Alexandria 17 La Vendetta
3. f_syn_scarlet Scarlett 16 Omerta
4. f_syn_slash Slash 15 Sinners
5. f_syn_lola Lola 15 Omerta
6. logo-syn-city Mikey 14 Diabolus Aquilae
7. hs_keith_valentine Keith 14 Sinners
8. f_syn_sweet Sweet 14 Sinners
9. f_syn_kay Kay 14 Vipers
10. f_syn_ace Ace 14 Omerta

26 thoughts on “2014 Syn Census: Top 10 Strongest Newcomers

  1. “honoring the best newcomers”?
    Level doesn’t necessarily mean best.
    I can name some on these list who either simply camp all the time or have ‘free xp’ kill sign above their heads.
    By best newcomers, you mean the people who came early in the year and camped to level. Nothing based on skill, combat or RP wise.


    • The title said strongest, strongest usually refers to levels. ie; Black is stronger than Crisis due to his level. Given the fact that the list is catergorized by levels, I feel that’s what they were implying, not that they were better RP or combat wise. Besides, I also noticed a couple of people mentioned in this list are not even ”Newcomers”.


      • My point was strongest shouldn’t be classified as levels. For instance, Ace based on skill would be much higher on the list than say Mike. Should have just been more considered than just levels.
        Levels only mean something if you can do something with them.


  2. Keith Valentine? Give this guy respect? Why?

    Keith Valentine is too scared to come out.

    Keith Valentine never had a real fight.

    Keith Valentine is a know it all in OOC.

    Keith Valentine only appears for training mode events.

    Keith Valentine earned his merc license in a training mode tournament.

    Keith Valentine ignored same level Kay’s merc challenge.

    Keith Valentine is too pussy to fight Kay and sold his license.

    Keith Valentine came out for training mode ninja war day.

    Keith Valentine didn’t come out for real war day.

    Keith Valentine earned his kills killing those who forgot to go in training mode.

    Keith Valentine doesn’t wear the pants in his relationship with Sweet.

    Sweet Valentine has bigger balls then Keith Valentine.

    Should I go on?


    • Keith Valentine is Minx’s real life brother. Did you really expect him not to be a crybaby little bitch that cries about levels and Vipers?


    • It is how you worded it, not that the census is opinionated.
      Labeling levels as “best newcomers” is out right wrong.
      There are some on that list that are the “best”. Others, not so much.
      I can name lots of lower levels than 14 that are far better contributors to Syn than some listed up there.

      On that note: Congrats to those on that list who only camp and do shit all to contribute to Syn City beyond being assholes. Have your few moments of glorious fame from underground and go back to being irrelevant to everyone else.


    • lol if anyone who started from level 1 after jan 1, 2014. i should be up there. 😛 i cameback and had to start all over again.


  3. I don’t mean any disrespect, but I am not a fan of this list. Whoever starts in Syn closest to January 1st and camps every minute possible is going to make the top of the list. The criteria is not fair. My other problem is seeing Keith on the list, that guy was never in a legit fight. You shouldn’t honor someone who doesn’t come out to fight like the rest of us.

    Nonetheless, Congrats to those on the list, especially the Top 3.


    • No Kay, it was Carly. The coward don’t deserve credit. Here is proof, Syn OOC on Nov 28.

      [23:00] KeithValentine Resident: wow so many for one guy..jon your a badass
      [23:01] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose): lol
      [23:01] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose): jon is a good fighter
      [23:01] ҪӓѓⱢẙ (carly.brucato): He does tend to aattract a crowd
      [23:01] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose): all of them is too
      [23:02] KeithValentine Resident: i agree jon is
      [23:02] Sweet Valentine (sweetnsanity): a very badass
      [23:03] ҪӓѓⱢẙ (carly.brucato): im betting his next name change witll be to Jon “Badass” Ireman
      [23:03] ℑoηίel Ĩгemaη (joniel.flux): good idea lol
      [23:03] ℑoηίel Ĩгemaη (joniel.flux): next time
      [23:03] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose): carly yu just gave him nvm he beat me to it
      [23:07] 亗 Qυҽҽɳ Sαɱαɾα Vҽɳσɱ 亗 (samara.sangria): i guess that DA with all the soblets on her last night was a badass too huh?

      random banter, then coward keith runs his mouth and shows everyone his true cowardly colors.

      [23:12] Jєтт Lσcкнєαят (alexanderlockheart): Good morning
      [23:14] SharikaOniria Resident: I feel more badass
      [23:15] KeithValentine Resident: lol why you never took him on your own
      [23:15] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose): keith shhh
      [23:15] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose): >_>
      [23:15] Kᴀy Sɴøw (sharikaoniria): I fought him all alone
      [23:16] Sweet Valentine (sweetnsanity) tugs Keith back to bed
      [23:16] Jєтт Lσcкнєαят (alexanderlockheart): If you kids don’t all play nice I will put you all in separate corners and you get no ice cream
      [23:16] 亗 Uռɨƈօʀռ Kɨȶȶʏƈʟǟաֆ™ 亗 (amyh95): kay is a badass
      [23:16] Kᴀy Sɴøw (sharikaoniria): amy knows right!
      [23:16] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose) yawns
      [23:22] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose): god dont you just love walking on air for a spilt second damn …i was walking like jesus walking on water rofl
      [23:24] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): keith, anytime you want a 1v1.. come find me
      [23:25] Shawn Regan (shawn183): keith?
      [23:25] Sweet Valentine (sweetnsanity): pfft
      [23:25] KeithValentine Resident: sure things moses i dont care if i win or lose at least i fight on my own
      [23:25] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): well i always see him mouthing
      [23:25] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): but never fighting
      [23:25] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): so i put the offer out
      [23:25] Sweet Valentine (sweetnsanity): as if you don’t
      [23:25] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): the difference being
      [23:25] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose): sigh
      [23:25] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): i do it in your face
      [23:25] KeithValentine Resident: it’s called rl moses you should try it
      [23:25] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): not her
      [23:25] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): here*
      [23:25] Hyѕт Vιcιoυѕ-Tнorɴe (hystyria): Easy guys…
      [23:25] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): lol at rl
      [23:25] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): but still in here mouthing
      [23:25] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose) takes sweets and keoith ou tof ooc chat
      [23:25] Kali Ireman: Keith that is enough
      [23:26] Hyѕт Vιcιoυѕ-Tнorɴe (hystyria): Enough
      [23:26] ΜΘЅΣЅ ƲΣNΘΜ (damian1977): i just put a simple offer out
      [23:26] Kᴀy Sɴøw (sharikaoniria): this is a gang combat sim and the gang fights
      [23:26] 亗 Uռɨƈօʀռ Kɨȶȶʏƈʟǟաֆ™ 亗 (amyh95): fight fight fight!
      [23:26] Sweet Valentine (sweetnsanity): after he worked all week
      [23:26] Kali Ireman: Damian you stop too
      [23:26] ღ Ļįɭɭƴ ßeɭɭ ℬeʞʞers ღ (sugarlily.wildrose): sweet
      [23:26] Hyѕт Vιcιoυѕ-Tнorɴe (hystyria): All of you stop


  4. Baffles me that Lola and Scarlett are on this list.

    Also baffles me that they joined Sinners but are also very close to Ace who joined Vipers.

    Is this not too obvious or is this just me?


    • Just you. Anyone that actually knows any of those people know that there’s no way Ace would ever go back to Sinners, and that Lola hates Vipers. Just because people in other gangs are close doesn’t mean anything, for example dD and Nonny dating, despite being high roles in both of their gangs.


  5. I think, it should be the people who actually get out there and take the kills, the deaths and the beatings… not just levels. Any moron can level standing in a safe zone… it’s the people who are out there getting the action that should be noticed.


  6. Did you even read what this post is about?

    Ahhhhh, yes. I forgot you can’t be friends with people in other gangs, tut tut silly me!

    Next time if you have a problem, why don’t you shoot me an IM instead of hiding behind a false name talking shit, i love haters!



  7. Yeah I talked about Keith a while back here. I was close to bringing this true pussy up again in the frightened kitten article… because he is the biggest frightened kitten ever! I agree lists should only include people who actually get out there and take the kills, deaths and beatings. Pussy cowards complain about the rules of the game… criticize others and how they play the game. Pussy kittens have no room to speak and don’t belong on any respect list. The underground SHOULD be about respect. If you don’t fight, you don’t have right to disrespect those who do, period. What are you doing wasting a slot Syn?


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