Syn Has Risen

After a 2 year hiatus Syn City is back again! That’s right, the popular urban combat roleplay sim has returned in 2022! How will this new iteration fare when compared to previous iterations? Time will tell. However; in this present moment there is plenty to discuss.

The first thing we noticed about this new iteration is that it is actually not so new. The nostalgia that hits upon landing feels like we have stepped into a time machine in a world that no longer exists. A world that wasn’t gacha crazy and a world that wasn’t judgmental if your avatar didn’t have the latest mesh part all the cool kids are going gaga over. It was a world where group chats discussed roleplay more than latest fashion releases; a world that focused on combat strategy over ways to get under the rival gang’s skin OOCly. A world that had the drama and issues; but kept to a tolerable level. Also a world that had this large ship in a tiny river that never made sense; but grew on us.

The second thing we wondered about was the combat. A critical component of any combat roleplay sim is the meter. In the last few years roleplay sims with a combat aspect have struggled; especially those that have relied on the DCS meter system that is no more. Combat roleplay sims had 2 options; go with another meter system that lacked features such as experience and levels or take on the task of building a custom combat meter system. We’re happy to say that this iteration of Syn City has it’s own meter system with experience and levels!

The third thing and probably the most important is who is the owner of this iteration? We understand many have invested so much in the previous iteration and would never ever be seen in Syn City again after what happened; to those we want to let you know that the new owner is not part of the old regime; nor are they one of their favored friends. The new owner is a Syn City OG that can be trusted and is working hard in bringing back; not only the best urban combat roleplay sim that existed in Second Life but the best version of it. This is not a continuation but a reboot. It is a clean slate and everyone is welcomed.

The Underground Syn Report wish the new Syn City and it’s new owners the best. There has been attempts made to recapture the best aspects of Syn City but none have found lasting success. It is a very tough path and isn’t as easy as “if we build it they will come”. We believe the new sim owners have made decisions in the right direction such as recreating old Syn and not launching without a meter similar to the old DCS system. Hopefully this will entice some veterans to at least give the new Syn City a try.

If you need a bit more convincing currently there are 1 Linden weekly rentals with 50 prims. At time of writing there are some great plots available. So come take a look, bring an old friend and take a trip down memory lane.

13 thoughts on “Syn Has Risen

  1. I guess it’ll be interesting to see if Syn can make a comeback from their past. Would be interesting to see. I definitely miss a lot of people that I met in the SIM. I haven’t logged on in years. Maybe I’ll redownload and take a look.


  2. Dang, I got a new email notification from this blog out of all places that Syn City is back? That’s crazy. I thought Syn was done.

    As much as I would love to chill with all you again in Syn City I won’t be able to. Things are different now. I have more responsibilities to take care of in my RL.

    I may swing by in a few months when I get a new PC. I hope they fixed that notorious Second Life lag.

    Old Syn City was good times. They will have a hit on their hands if it is like old Syn City. Best of luck.


  3. I went to have a look. It was very strange. Like stepping back in time. Back to the old syn city using prim builds and no mesh. Before the building team was established. It brought back a lot of memories that’s for sure. Even the old bridge is there… but I wasn’t able to stand on top of it this time. It’s a nice thought though to try to remake the original. Maybe Mo and I will go sit in the diner sometime like old times.


  4. This would be great if there was transparency. None of us want to return to a toxic environment. A lot of us have had a lot of mental growth , especially in our behavior. We have grown up so to speak. The first move should be transparency and letting us know who’s running this so we may openly have the choice of being under whoever is leadership there. There are quite a few “players” many of us don’t feel could change.

    You will have better trust and a greater return if this was transparent. Unless this is a memorial sim than rock on. But if the point is to have us return, open a discord for open dialogue.


  5. This is sooooooo cool. Going there is like going back to Second Life circa 2012. The sim build is so faithful, too faithful to old Syn City. It is simply amazing, and worth logging in just to visit. The builders have put a tremendous amount of time, effort, passion, and care in recreating Syn City. This kind of build today will work so much better for combat than it did many years ago.

    I cannot say enough about the build. Go see it while you can because it may not be around much longer. The sim isn’t drawing any traffic to keep up with costs. I have visited a few times and don’t know if there are any windows of activity.

    They really need someone who knows how to promote and grow sims. I had absolutely no clue this existed until I had the inkling to reminisce about Syn City by visiting this blog. I forgot the url and had to dig through old logs on my old computer to find it lol. Kudos to this blog for sharing the news.

    The new Syn City owner is Riko. I have heard about him. Don’t really know much about him other than that both Kali and Dina had disdain for him. I would put my money he was one of many whose name was dragged through the mud for being a good player but on the wrong team. Oh, and his profile isn’t helpful.

    My summary: Build is Excellent! Marketing is Awful. If you played at Syn in the past then you owe it to yourself to at least visit. It is kinda like admiring art, and connecting with it in a gallery.


  6. Skip Oplinger here. When I first started SL, I dipped my toes into many RP types before I arrived in Syn City. Vampires, Gor, slight old west feeling, steampunk. They were not for me. When I came to Syn all those years ago with my real life relative Jen, we joined Death Dollz. We made many friends with many people in Syn. To name a few I’m still friends with, Shawn who’s name plasters the pages of the underground(but not as much as Black lol.). Three who was and still is super fun to hang with. And Falcon who ran the bodaga when Death Dollz was in competition with Vipers for the top gang, as few members as we were.

    My reason for leaving Syn City all that long ago was when ‘The Powers That Were’ decided to kick a whole gang from the sim and threaten perma ban if the Death Dollz tags were seen after a dispute with Cyke and ‘The Powers That Were’. How childish and low the decision making was on an ADULT sim that was supposed to be full of ADULTS.
    It was really clear who really shouldn’t have been playing in Syn City.

    As far as Riko goes. I mean what can’t I say about him. Despite what his profile says, he is actually a rather nice person. I met him when I started in Syn and Death Dollz had a run in with the Police.(I got banned for 24. I didn’t want to get arrested lol. Couldn’t keep me out of a jail cell in other places after that lol). So I played with Riko and Clover at BlackStreets. Edge City. Paradise City. They both are great role players as well as fair. I have had the privilege to also chat with both of them outside of SL and know they are both good people who have their ups and downs like the rest of us. We are only human after all. If there was an animal to describe Riko as, it would be a honey badger. It didn’t matter how many times Riko was knocked down he got back up with his middle fingers to the sky as he didn’t give a flying fuck. I know I am not his favorite person…. At all… And that’s my fault. But I do still consider both Riko and Clover part of the group of people that I consider my favorites. I have also gathered form the time I have spent there, in Syn City, that Riko is also rather busy outside of the game.

    The role play was awesome back then with the people who actually roll played. Hopefuly now that we all have grown up over the years and all should be adults now. Shot in the dark.
    Let’s make Syn city great again!

    A little message for ‘The Powers That Were’
    You just let us all down.


  7. One can recreate Syn City prim by prim accurately, but one cannot recreate the magic of Syn City. Syn City is Kali’s original creation. The success of this concept is due to Kali. No one else will ever have the same success Kali had. Kali loved Syn City because she had put her heart into it. That build was so classic, and iconic that someone went through great lengths to rebuild it years later. Although I admire their effort, they do not have the magic touch Kali had. However, I wish this iteration of Syn City the best of luck, they are going to need it.


  8. Which Syn City OG exactly opened this? From what I am seeing its a Syn City banned player that is leaching onto a sim that was popular then fell away. If I’m wrong then I will hold my hands up but In my opinion someone is looking to cash in on a legacy they have no right to claim.


  9. I was born at Syn and as I becoming elder I wanted to go back home: found out kali f**** it up. She can build Syn prim by prim and she can destroy it prim by prim as she created it: but she can’t destroy my home there. Come back whoever wish so, everyone is welcome, kali, Dina, samara, black, mofo, Dwight or whoever is calling Syn home. We will spend our days hanging over, RPing, pew pew, torturing, getting arrested, selling flowers, going to church if we wish so, else we will just be silent as we have been most of the time there, enjoying our home. That’s why I did Syn again. I can accept being banned, being beaten, being called pig and whatsoever: I couldn’t accept Syn being destroyed…
    Love u, Riko.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I am happy to report that the new sim owner, Riko, has appointed his first admin team, and we are working hard to bring Syn City back to life again.

    Leadership as of Feb-01-2023:

    Riko (kikkorikko) & Ash (asherobrian) – Owners
    Martin JG Cai (martycai2) – Admin / Mayor
    Logan Longhorns-Dragovar (longhornsdragovar) – Admin / City Council President
    Skip Oplinger (slayer42890) – Admin / Council Member
    Blue M. O’Doom (bmodoom) – Admin


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